I've been wanting to redo my living room for the last 5 years. I HATE it!
The thing is, the whole living room is in desperate need of a makeover. I'm talking new couches, tables, lamps, decor, wall repairs and paint. It's very overwhelming.
It's not just the money that it will take to redo everything, it's the work that's involved. With Chris not being physically able to help move around furniture or the painting, it's a lot for me to even think of doing all on my own. So, nothing has changed.
I've thought of just buying new couches but with the walls all beat up and disgusting, what's the point? I've looked for new pillows, new wall art, new curtains something that would jump out at me and say, "OMG this is perfect for the living room!" Ya know what I'm talking about, right? I found a lot of things I like, but nothing I LOVE. I think it's just been a creative block so-to-speak. Deep down I wouldn't let myself fall in love with something knowing it would never become a reality.
The worst part, the stumbling block, is the wall repairs and painting. My living room has a 15 foot vaulted ceiling. I've just come to the realization (so has Chris) that we will have to pay somebody to come in and do that part of the job. Believe me when I tell you it's killing him to give up on that. He has always loved painting and is a perfectionist. The thought of someone coming in and doing a half-assed job makes him cringe. But he can't do it, he has accepted it.
So, now since that's been decided, it starts..... the saving, planning and shopping.
But where to start? The couches? The paint color? A piece of artwork or a fabric swatch?
That's where the idea of documenting the process of redoing the living room into a series right here on my blog.
I hope you'll join me each week as I share in my quest for an "Inspiring Inexpensive Interior."
(Next week.... The search for couches)